Leonard & Linda Sands (Sold)


Leonard said: “I am delighted to recommend Real Estate Agent Hal Feldman; a consummate gentleman, and, true professional. We had a rental property that recently sold with a difficult tenant who almost cost us the sale. Hal made this difficult transaction happen. Hal's people skills reassured our buyers & their agent, and, encouraged the tenant to do the 'right thing' & got us finally across the 'finish line.' In my work, I regularly work with many different kinds of professionals. Hal Feldman is among the best I have dealt with -- in any profession. I enthusiastically, and, unreservedly recommend Hal Feldman!!!!“

Linda said: “Hal, is the hardest working agent I have ever dealt with. Any problems that occur he immediately remediates. He is a problem solver with a kind heart. He will work hard and efficiently for anyone who hires him because he takes pride in his work.”

(Provided 100% top marks in performance evaluation)

Hal's Note:  This was one of my most challenging home sales to date. Through a difficult tenant, to a personal matter and beyond, I found that good communication and persistence were the key to getting this sale completed. Leonard and Linda were great to work with throughout.
