Ana & Oleksii Ivanchenko (Bought)

[l-r] Kat Feldman (lender), Hal Feldman, Oleksii and Ana I. (with mom)

After more than five years of searching, March 6, 2025, was the day when we closed on our first home.

We have been fortunate to work with Hal Feldman since day one, and it was the BEST choice we could have ever made, because we absolutely believe that making our dream come true in today’s housing market would not have been possible without Hal’s guidance, outstanding expertise, and his genuine care and support.

This was an overwhelming process, but at every step, Hal was by our side patiently taking the time to educate us on every little detail and answer a million questions with utmost professionalism and care, ensuring that we felt confident in our decisions and no errors are made.

Hal is a professional of the highest caliber and there are simply not enough words to describe how highly we recommend him to anyone looking to buy a home. Have no doubt, he will help you get your dream home as he helped us!”

(Provided 100% top marks in performance evaluation)

Hal's Note:  I am proud to be a part of the American Dream for you, Ana! You have much to celebrate with your young family! After five long years, we found the perfect fit and I expect to be invited to your first party at your new home!