Palmetto Bay Parade Celebrates 2020 High School Graduates

It’s a rite of passage that has occurred for generations. Go through 12 years of school, go to prom and then receive a diploma at a graduation ceremony with your family cheering wildly. But, the high school graduates of 2020 were robbed of these celebrations due to Coronavirus.

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Enter Palmetto Bay to the rescue. Led by Mayor Karen Cunningham, the Village Council set their minds on an ambitious parade to honor its resident high school graduates.


On May 28, a six-hour long processional of police cars, fire trucks, golf carts and decorated cars drove past each and every graduate’s home address in what was called the Honk for Seniors Car Caravan. Attendees included Mayor Karyn Cunningham, Vice Mayor John DuBois, Councilpeople Patrick Fiore and Marsha Matson, School Board Commissioner Dr. Larry Feldman and a host of other Village staff and dignitaries. They visited nearly 200 locations and enjoyed every moment of it.


“This is when a community comes together…and they say we’re going to celebrate children,” remarked Dr. Feldman. “They are the economic energy of our community, the sustainability of our community, and quite frankly they need it because they didn’t get [the graduation] that others have had.”


Students and families who had been isolated and disconnected clearly appreciated the chance to come out of their homes and celebrate a joyful and worthwhile cause. Cameron Pielago expressed, “I’m very appreciative of my city.” Andrew Feldman added, “Wow! That was so cool!” (His dad thought so too.)


“We wanted to do something special for the Class of 2020. You only need to spend a short time with the youth in our community to realize how amazingly talented they are!” exclaimed Mayor Cunningham. “Today’s drive was quite emotional for me. I’m almost embarrassed to say it because they are not my kids, but I was in tears a few times during the parade when I saw students in full cap and gown, families that had dressed up for this, and just the level of joy being displayed. It was beautiful!”


The Mayor was even surprised when people came out banging pots & pans to celebrate the Village’s first responders. “It shows everything that is wonderful about those of us who live and work in Palmetto Bay.”


This powerful event was a combination of amazing, kind and compassionate people providing the best graduation celebration a Village could muster. There were hugs, cheers, lots of sirens wailing and smiles. Lots of smiles.

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The Mayor tipped her hat to the amazing work that the police officers and Village staff put into this project. It involved carefully mapping the route and placing yard signs for every single graduate so that everyone was included.

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The event had a generous sponsor, New York Roma Pizza. New to the Village and located at SW 152 Street and US-1 behind the 7-11, they donated 500 pizzas. Some of the pies were given to organizers before the event and then every single graduate was provided a coupon in a swag bag so they could pick up a piping hot pizza at the drive-in restaurant location.