Palmetto Bay Village Voice Crowd Hears About Downtown Plans
/This past Wenesday, the Palmetto Bay Village Voice group invited Ed Silva to speak about the plans underway to develop a Downtown area for Palmetto Bay. The open "town hall" style meeting was held at the Palm Room in the Palmetto Bay Village Center.
After Chet England provided the deep and stellar track record Silva has, he turned the microphone over to Silva. The crowd was mesmerized by the vision and scop.
In short, there is little opportunity to have the Village expand in the residential area. However, the commercial areas lag significantly behind adjacent communities. "Beyond politics, this is a quality of life issue for Palmetto Bay... and one supported by all Councilmembers."
As a fellow Palmetto Bay resident, I am excited about this project and serve on the 32 member task force. I can't wait for a day where I can dine, shop and enjoy entertainment without ever leaving the Village. I believe "if we build it, they will come."
Attendance was light, but if we all start talking, we can get the word out and have the best ideas on the table for this to take hold.
The entire video is available below. Ed Silva begins speaking at 5:00 into the video.