NASCAR in Homestead
/Well, I'm not really NASCAR race fan, but this is my second year of taking in some of the Homestead Miami Speedway Ford Championship Weekend. Today is the Ford 300 event. It's a glorious sunset and the National Anthem just concluded with two F-18s roaring overhead. “Gentlemen, start your engines!”
Even before the race begins, there's lots to do. You can peruse the latest in car technology, soak in the sounds of some local bands and sample products that only a NASCAR fan enjoys. You can even watch a guy wrestle and taunt an alligator...yes, an alligator!
From Pinecrest, Palmetto Bay and Coral Gables it's a 15-minute drive to get your motor on! You can't do that from most other places in the USA.
In the stands. the low 70s temperature is capped by a light and refreshing breeze as the engines roar. Colors whiz by at amazing speed. I don't care who wins, its just the experience of being here that excites the soul. Doing something in your own backyard and doing it in style.