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Palmetto Bay (& Pinecrest) Closer To New Fire Station

Amid the economic woes, Palmetto Bay, Pinecrest and parts of both Coral Gables and Cutler Bay are another step closer to getting a new fire station built that would reduce response times to the area.

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill sponsored by Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart, R-Miami, to allow for the construction of a new fire station in Palmetto Bay.

The bill would allow the USDA to sell about two acres of land on the east side of Southwest 67th Avenues, between Southwest 136th and 144th Street (within Palmetto Bay), to Miami-Dade County to build the fire station.

Palmetto Bay Mayor Eugene Flinn says, “Nothing is more important than life safety.'' He went to the nation's capitol to back the bill and came back a winner.

Once the land is secured, building the structure will be the next challenge, but it is nice to see progress!